
Herji is a Swiss artist living and working in Geneva, Switzerland. He exhibits in Romandie, and has created a comic book in France, a 66-metre fresco in the heart of Geneva, posters displayed throughout the Canton of Geneva as well as illustrations for NGOs, newspapers, associations. Herji describes his work as “drawings with a little insolence, irony and a lot of bad faith.”


Website : herji

Instagram : herjidessins

Meaning of the artwork

The artist Herji used both the theme of the encounter and the context in which it takes place, i.e. a stadium, to stage a feminist metaphor around the concept of male tears. The tiny mouse is punished for “hurting” the big muscular bear, an ironic way to illustrate the ridiculous complaints of some men about current feminist demands. The fact that soccer is increasingly played by women also provides an opportunity to reminds us of this social phenomenon.

The artist has used the “comic book” style that he uses for his press cartoons and his work in general.