
Fifille works with multiple practices including illustration, painting, graffiti, tattoos, photography, performance art and graphic poetry. Frédérique Nierlé, Fred, 29 years old, evolves in a quirky, singular and recognisable universe that she cultivates tenderly. She experiments with new techniques, from graffiti spray to acrylic, watercolour and marker, continually reinventing her art which is probably what makes it its unclassifiable.


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Meaning of the artwork

Tolerance, justice, fair play, solidarity, equality

We all remember the raised fists of the athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, or the at least we should. The five raised fists represented here by the artists Fifille is a reminder of this militant event reminding the spectator that social inequalities (especially “racial” and “ethnic” inequalities of genres) continues to exist; as most recently with the BLM movement and the many LGBT and feminist demonstrations.

As a human being, intolerance and exclusion of others, touch the artist and even dismay her. At the crossroads of sport, art and politics, this fresco is a response to fear, to political hatred and all that they generate in our society.

It is her way of promoting values of tolerance, justice, fair play, solidarity and equality in the encounter – here sports – and to contribute to the creation of a better world, for everyone.