
GRAFFMATT is an urban painter based in Chambéry, France. He has been drawing since his youngest age. The general climate of our society strikes him particularly and inspire his work. It is a theme he deconstructs in his creations in order to give a disconnected vision of our humanity.

GRAFFMATT associates graffiti painting with recycled materials to give power his works giving a feeling of movement.


Website : graffmatt

Instagram : graffmatt

Meaning of the artwork

The effects of an adrenaline rush appear with great intensity. This rush, is what the artist Graffmatt wanted to capture in this artwork, where two people, face to face, seem to warm up before a race. A bicycle wheel separates the two portraits ready to start. One can feel the energy that is released before the start. The man casts a look of desire at his partner. Maybe to destabilise her? Rivalry or seduction?

The spectator is free to interpret the encounter of the two athletes. Through superimposed and torn collage effects, the work is dynamic yet refined with a smooth black and white treatment that contrasts with a single bright colour: yellow. By mixing typography, geometric forms and realistic portraits, the artist likes to stimulate the imagination of the spectator by blurring the graphic style. A play of texture between acrylic and aerosol brings liveliness to the work. Despite a realistic approach, he does not try to reproduce reality and plays with different graphic treatments depending on the plans or depth of field.